This exhibition is by the senior high school students in the IB DP Visual Arts Course at Tohoku International School. They will be presenting a variety of pieces such as paintings, collages, sculptures, as well as installation pieces created over the past two years.
東北インターナショナルスクール (TIS) は仙台市の東北高校泉キャンパスにある130名ほどの学校です。市内を走る黄色いスクールバスや、学生たちによる毎年恒例のミュージカル公演などでおなじみかも知れません。外国籍や帰国子女の生徒が主に在籍し、教育は英語で行われています。幼稚園から高校までの一貫校です。
Students have each chosen a personal topic or theme, and have sought ways to create work that invites the audience to look further into it from a variety of points of view. They have used art as a way to explore and communicate their ideas, thoughts, interests, and questions. We hope you will come to take a peek at our show!